Sunday, January 8, 2017

Getting Started

I've got some time this sleepy Sunday afternoon.  Kids are napping, Clayton is out running errands, and it is frigid cold outside; last week's episode of Fixer Upper, warm blanket, and a Diet Coke (no shame here).   It's a little overwhelming to start blogging and so that's why I'm not sure if I will let anyone read this.  I've got lots of things in my head lately and not a lot of time to get them down.  To be honest, this first post is about a week in the making.  

In metro area staff meeting this week we talked about a hope, theme, or resolution we each had for the new year.  Mine is a little hard to sum up without explaining where it is coming from.  I guess I have a theme for 2017, it is "Living Life on Purpose".  My sister and I talk on the phone everyday...about 3 times a day.  A while back we were talking, she asked "What are you doing tonight?"  My reply, "just going home, fixing dinner, going to bed, then getting up and doing it all over again."  After we got off the phone I thought for a bit, I have a husband, two kids, a family, and a ministry.  My life is filled with too many wonderful people and things to just live life from day to day, waking up to going to sleep.  Such an easy concept to know, harder to grasp, harder to admit.  At the end of the year, I found myself, just...surviving.  I'm not sure what this looks like from day to day, I guess that's why I like it so much, why I need it so much, it totally goes outside my neat little box.  It's messy.  I want to try new things, stretch myself, cook more, read more, spend more time with my husband and kids, give more, bake more.  This year I want to clean less, cook the things I always cook less, spend less time on my phone, spend less time watching tv, spend less time wasting time.

Last thought, I have a hard time doing something if I say I'm committing to it.  But there are a few things I would like to commit to that I have been talking about for a while.  I want to commit to reading the Bible through this year and I want to loose my baby weight (Sadie's and Clayton David's).  Big goals, but musts in my life.  I'm already 8 days into the Bible reading and haven't missed a day!  I've got about 30 pounds left to go.  It will be a long road, but I know I will get there.   17 weeks until we leave for our Young Life Regional staff beach trip, gotta get ready!!

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